My JournalNovember 19th, 2010 The process I've experienced with the Cellphone Radiation Project, was a very interesting one because I've never stopped to think about my cellphone causing any problems with my health or attitude . I say attitude because of the way I act when I don't have my cellphone or when it stops working. I start to feel lost and it's as if someone has put a hold on my day to day routine and relationship that I have with it. That type of feeling I have towards my phone is why it is essential for me to know about the dangers of Cellphone Radiation Activity. Through research I have come to find out the many hidden affects of what a cellular phone can do to the human body dealing with the brain skin and human tissue. This is a situation that I would have never thought to occur. When I first was aware of it, my first reaction wasn't to believe it and to look more into it because when I first witnessed cellphone radiation activity it was with the popcorn video, showing how cellphones can turn kernels into cooked popcorn and at first I was shocked but at the same time, I was thinking it was a hoax. I was thinking maybe they had something under the table that was hot, to make the kernel pop. So after seeing that, I had to personally do some research to find out if this bizarre event was true or not. The effect this issue had on my learning and thinking process, had me a bit disturbed. I was scared to continue the use of my phone and it's ironic that I mention this because when I went to look up how much radiation was being emitted through my phone, I discovered that my phone was at the highest rank of radiation levels. Now when I went home I started to look at my phone all crazy and after a while, as I was putting the phone up close to my ear, a pain started to come on, kind of like the beginning pain you get when you get an ear infection so I switched it over to the other ear for a bit and the same feeling occurred. I started to think to myself, maybe my mind is just playing tricks on me since I had just read tips on how to prevent radiation and the need to switch sides from time to time. I was very worried for myself being that the fact that I was using large amounts of radiation energy every time I used the phone and it just so happens that my phone got messed up from water damage recently, as if it was meant for me not to have the phone anymore. So this time around I didn't really get upset like I usually do I mean I was mad but on the other end I figured, everything happens for a reason and most of the time for the better so I kept that belief in my head and maintained a way not to get phone sick. Maybe I needed a break from all of the exposure I was experiencing especially since I am still young. I'm pretty sure the amount of radiation I was using everyday was bound to affect me and my still developing brain. So I've decided not to be so needy of a cellular phone and decided to take heed of this caution and take precaution because even though I'm not for sure if it's effecting me or not it's always best to take measures in advance to prevent this dangerous, unpleasant, inconvenient situation from happening. SymptomsI have become aware of is insomnia, severe headaches, hair loss and depression and often these things are usually happening to me. My hair is constantly shedding, and is very weak, and from time to time I get headaches or irritation from my nerves and for the most part it's hard for me to sleep, especially on weekdays it's like at night I get nervous because I know I don't have a long time to sleep being that the fact that I have school the following morning. Studies show that in children and teens, we tend to use our phones late at night and sleep disturbances caused by radiation can bring on depression, mood swings, personality changes, as well as the weakening of concentration and academic performance. All of these symptoms sound familiar because this it is the way I act and feel some of the time and it makes me wonder, is my cellphone the cause of this? Well for now I am not sure but I am a hundred percent aware of what's been hidden and what's been discovered of this new information and I am trying my best to keep it in mind. September 16th, 2010 After listening to president Barack Obama's speech, a couple of things stuck out to me especially when he said as a teenager his attitude was very casual towards his education and the thought of his future and once he said that all I could think about was myself because lately my attitude has been very careless on the essential factors I need in my life to succeed and survive and the way I carry myself is as if I have no worries and somehow and someway I will be saved and that's not a good way to look at it especially in my situation.I am a senior with the amount of only 21 credits against 44 so that tells me that I'm not even half way successful, just a little bit behind half and the reason for this is because I failed to realize how important my education was and never took it seriously to do the simple things like go to sleep at a reasonable time or come in to school on the decent hour or just show up period. It's not all about how your grades are or how smart you are its about applying myself and being able to get a good rest at night and actually going home to finish any homework and projects and coming in the next morning with your work with the feeling of relief and a good night sleep ready to function properly through the days of the week and that is a major thing that I failed to do.Just like Obama said "The farther you go in school,the farther you go in life.You've got to show up in school on time,you've got to pay attention in your class,you've got to study for your exams,you've got to stay out of trouble,and most importantly you've got to instill a sense of excellence in everything that you do. That kind of discipline,that kind of drive,that kind of hard work,is absolutely essential for success because luck is not always going to see you through",and that is exactly true. My goals are to make it out of high school next year with all of my credits,with proper skills and good work ethic and also good recommendations from my teachers but before I do that I have to work on myself as a better being and the only way to do that is to come out of my comfort zone and try a little harder at things go farther in things and take on new challenges and overcome my laziness and negative attitude towards school especially towards math because that is the subject I need to take on head first and knock out but I'm busy acting casual as Obama said. In his speech he said not to avoid any challenges--seek them out,step out my comfort zone, and to not be afraid to ask for help. This is what I plan on doing in order to recreate a better version of myself,the best version of myself that I can be. My smarts come naturally I just have to work on taking on challenges and making sure I see them out until everything is completely finished. I am determined to finish my school year and graduate in June and I have confidence and I believe in myself because i know i have plenty potential and thanks to my transferring to West Side High I feel way more confident in myself, this school gave me a second chance and to me it is a way better school then the one i was previously in and had been in since 7th grade. Now its time to trade in my old ways and create better ones and be self sufficient and more efficient. In the words of President Barack Obama,"The truth is an education is about more than getting into a good college. It's about more than getting a good job when you graduate. It's about giving each and every one of us the chance to fulfill our promise and to the best version of ourselves that we can be and part of that means treating others the way we want to be treated."