The Confrontation

The Confrontation

"The Fight", by Richard wright and following story, "The Confrontation" by Raymond Barrio are both two significant stories that I have read and feel the need to be compared and contrasted to because in some ways these two stories can be similar and in other ways different. These stories have many similarities and differences that can be pointed out to show their significance and importance in how they portray their character and the morals they take on to take stand up for their selves. In "The Fight", Richard Wright takes on a more physical attitude towards the conflict he faces, while in "The Confrontation", the character, Manuel Gutierezz, faces a more verbal approach with the person he is conflict with. There are a differences in the two stories, such as where the stories take place, in the fight the story takes place in Jackson Mississippi, while "The Confrontation" takes place in California. Age distance and the race of these two males are different as well, for Richard is young at this time and Manuel is an older guy, and Richard is African American and Manuel is what I believe to be, Mexican. In "The Confrontation", Manuel Gutierrez epitomizes honor, pride and duty. He emphasizes on how he would compensate for his ordeal against his boss, Robert Morales and how he would have to pay for his actions. While Richards actions worked for the better for he didn't have to worry about any repercussions. See Manuel only had respect right then and there but Richards respect lasted for the rest of the school year until someone else felt tough enough to test him. I'm pretty sure Manuel's co workers respected him but his boss and the Guero executives wasn't going to take his standing up for himself. In school its different because there's not really a higher power excluding the staff and principle. In school you can become your own higher power if you prove it and have your peers believe in you but in the work force there's always someone higher than you because you work for them period. Pulling a stunt like Manuel did could have landed him without a job but I feel like he had the right to prove his pain and voice his opinion. He was fed up by the way he and his people were treated and that goes for Richard as well because all around him was racism and abuse thrown on his people,so he felt the need to protect his self.
© Dexalina Nelson 2010